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Cemetery Junction (2010)

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Poster Cemetery Junction (2010)

Poster Cover Cemetery Junction (2010)

Ringkasan Cerita / Synopsis Cemetery Junction (2010) :

0s’ England is in full swing as three outcast friends find themselves drinking, joking, fighting and chasing girls, while dreaming of escape from their blue-collar hometown of Cemetery Junction. Freddie (Christian Cooke) is a salesman suddenly thrown onto the fast track when he gains the attention of his boss, Mr. Kendrick (Ralph Fiennes). Torn between a prior life of partying with his friends (Tom Hughes and Jack Doolan) and the promise of a brighter future, life gets more complicated when the bosses daughter becomes the focus of Freddie’s affection. Also starring Ricky Gervais and Emily Watson. Sumber :

Trailer Cemetery Junction (2010)

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